Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil dalam Menurunkan Kejadian Stunting di Kampung Langkob Desa Majalaya
Stunting is a failure to thrive due to chronic malnutrition in the first 1000 days of life (HPK). Stunting in the West Java region, one of which is in Cianjur Regency, out of 32 sub-districts, ten villages have become Stunting Locuses, including Majalaya Village. Factors that cause stunting include parenting, the mother's nutritional status, the child's diet, sanitation, and infectious diseases. To prevent stunting, prevention is carried out on the health of pregnant women. Pregnant women are in the early stages of 1000 HPK, so they need to get early attention. The activity aims to increase the nutritional knowledge of pregnant women to prevent stunting in toddlers. This community service (PkM) targets pregnant women in the Langkob Village area, Majalaya. Activities include counseling and giving leaflets related to nutrition fulfillment in pregnant women. Pre and Posttest were conducted to evaluate the output of this community service. The results showed increased knowledge of pregnant women (p=0.003), so it can be concluded that the PkM activity was successful.
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