Peningkatan Pengetahuan tentang Body Image dan Diet Sehat pada Remaja di Smart Fast Global Education

Elvin Rosalina, Siti Fati Hatussaadah, Tina Yuli Fatmawati


Adolescents experience rapid growth and need good nutrition to support their growth and development. Teenagers cannot regulate the intake that will be consumed properly in order to get the ideal body. Therefore, an understanding of a healthy diet with balanced nutrition settings in adolescents needs to be done. From a survey seen on Smart Fast Education Global. Based on the results of interviews, most teenagers do not understand that in an effort to achieve a good Body Image, the thing that must be considered is a healthy diet. The aim of this community service is to increase youth knowledge on body image and healthy diet for adolescents, to recognize the principle of nutritional balance and the contents of my diet. Implementation methods include planning, implementing activities as well as monitoring and evaluation. The results of this activity 100% of students attended this activity. The change in knowledge that was quite good in the participants. There was an increase in teenagers' knowledge about body image and healthy diet with an average of 42.35% (pretest) to 65.88% (posttest).


adolescent, body Image, education, healthy diet

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