Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Dampak Negatif Pernikahan Dini dan Kesehatan Reproduksi di Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat

Risza Choirunissa, Triana Indrayani, Mia Lestari


Based on the 2018 Indonesian Child Profile Report, it shows that around 39.17% or 2 of girls aged 10-17 were married before the age of 15 where around 37.91% were married at the age of 16 then 22.92% were married at the age of 17. The implementation of early marriage before the age of has been determined to have a risk, namely the unpreparedness of the female reproductive system so that it interferes with reproductive health, can have an impact on dropping out of education and has an impact on the risk of divorce. The Health Planning Component and the Ministry of Health's development program need to be more pro-active in addressing programs related to the health needs of adolescents and young people, especially young women. The aim is to find out what are the factors that influence early marriage in Sukamahi Village, Kab. Bogor in 2021. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The research design used cross sectional. The sample in this study consisted of 48 teenagers who were married at the age of <20 years. From the research results obtained by the researcher, factors that were not related were: Respondent's education (p-value = 0.361), Parents' income (p-value = 1.000), Respondent's attitude (p-value = 0.413), and cultural factors (p- value = 0.245). The conclusion of this study is that there are no variables related to early marriage, therefore there are several variables that the researchers did not examine carefully which may be related to early marriage


health education, impact of early marriage, reproduction health

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