Manfaat Senam Hamil Selama Kehamilan Trimester III di Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi

Sri Maharani


During pregnancy, there will be various changes in the mother, both physiologically and psychologically. These changes are largely due to the influence of hormones, namely the increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone produced by the corpus luteum which develops into the corpus gravidity and continues its secretion by the placenta after it is fully formed. This causes the mother to feel uncomfortable during pregnancy and triggers stress, which is a sign that the mother is often gloomy. Pregnancy exercise is a form of physical activity that is beneficial because it develops body muscles, increases the elasticity of the pelvic muscles and ligaments and reduces the incidence of bleeding during and after childbirth and can reduce the incidence of fetal distress. Target Output The results of this educational activity on knowledge of physiological changes in pregnant women will also be published in the form of a national scientific journal so that it can be accessed by the public. This community service activity is carried out at the Putri Puskesmas Au Kota Jambi. Implementation time in January 2020. The target in this activity is pregnant women in the third trimester in the work area of the Putri Ayu Community Health Center, Jambi City. The results obtained are that pregnant women are able to understand the benefits of pregnancy exercise. It is recommended that pregnant women participate more frequently in activities that provide knowledge for mothers by attending other health education programs so that they can increase their knowledge


pregnant woman, pregnancy exercise

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